Monday, February 17, 2025

PSN 2/22 with Grant Berry, Robert Wolff, Mohamad Amin Faridi, Sue Rebar, Dennis & Donna Vauk


Join Millions of Christians Praying for 2 Billion Muslims
during 30 Days of Ramadan, February 28-March 29, 2025!

An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ
Prayer Surge NOW! 2/22
National Conf Call Prayer
Unbroken Weekly Saturday Prayer Calls, Since 2007,
Inspired by Dick Simmons, Founder,
Saturday Morning, Feb 22
Coast-to-Coast, United Intercession
for Israel & Middle East AWAKE!,
President Trump's Administration,
Honoring & Blessing Our Military,
Freedom & Revival in India and
The ONE NEW Man Hour
7:30 am-11:30 am Eastern, 6:30-10:30 am Central,
5:30-19:30 am Mountain, 4:30-8:30 am Pacific
Call: 605-475-4797  Code: 336718#  Mute: *6

PSN 2/22 with confirmed Servant Leaders:
PSHost Team: Tom Smith, Al McCarn, Glenn Wright & Dai Sup Han. Please read the schedule/agenda below (subject to change).

Updated, Friday, February 21, 2025

Please join us for Prayer Surge NOW! 2/22 National Conference Call, Saturday morning, February 22, 7:30 am-11:30 am Eastern, using 605-475-4797, code 336718# (press *6 to mute when you first connect).  Our intercessory focuses in Eastern Time (please be sure to adjust to your time zone)

7:30-9:15 am Eastern
Weekly Focus: Strategic Intercession for Israel's Deliverance, Middle East, US Military, Trump Administration & More with Mohamad Faridi, Founder/Director, Destination Ministries,, President, Iranian Christians International,, Author of the Book, Forsaking My Father's Religion (8:30-9:15 am Eastern)

Hosted by LTC (TNSG) J. Thomas Smith, LTC (Ret) Al McCarn US ArmyGlenn Wright.  Please participate in our strategic intercession for the people of the Holy Land and surrounding nations, for the salvation of the Jewish people and 1.8 billion Muslims. ~ In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth. The Lord Almighty will bless them, saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.” (Isaiah 19:23-25)

9:15-10:00 am Eastern
Interceding TOGETHER for Welcome Home Troops & Honoring Veterans, Active Duty, Fallen Family Members, March 16 @ LVMS NASCAR with Sue Rebar, Founder/Consultant, Welcome Home Troops, welcomehometroops.orgclick HERE for Pennzoil 400 NASCAR at Las Vegas Motor Speedway, March 16
Welcome Home Troops was founded in 2007 and established as a 501(c)(3) by February 2008. We have provided tickets for troops in California, Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nevada, and Louisiana. Our events have included NHRA, NASCAR, Baseball, Wrestling, Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, Academy of Country Music, and small events for specific returning or deploying units in Dallas, California, and Nevada. We have found that our most successful program is our Annual NASCAR event and Tailgate Party held at Las Vegas Motor Speedway; where we have hosted 3,000 at the Sprint Cup and as many as 1,800 for a single day event at our tailgate party. 

10:00-11:00 am Eastern
Monthly Focus: Jews & Gentiles TOGETHER as The ONE NEW Man with: 

And many peoples and powerful nations will come to Jerusalem to seek the Lord Almighty and to entreat him.” This is what the Lord Almighty says: “In those days ten people from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say, ‘Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you.’” (Zechariah 8:22-23)

11:00 am Eastern
Interceding for the Church in India: Justice, Freedom & Revival with Dennis & Donna Vauk, Founder/Director, Unity of Faith Network (UFN), visit UFN on YouTubevisit UFN on Facebook, Preparing for India Ministry Trip, February 25-March 15
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect. (Matthew 5:43-48)

You are more than welcome to connect and pray with us during any portion of PSN 2/22 and please consider sharing this invitation with fellow intercessors across America.  

Together in Christ,

Dai Sup

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. ~ Ephesians 3:20-21 

Dai Sup Han
National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW! 
Sat AM Conf Call Number 605-475-4797, code 336718#
Co-Convener, AWAKE! Gatherings
Mailing address: Dai Sup Han, PO Box 26656
Colorado Springs, CO 80936-6656

Monday, February 10, 2025

PSN 2/15 with Fouad Masri, Kathy Branzell, Mark Tross, Myron Lizer

Prayer Surge NOW! is partnering on
Sunday, February 16, 6-8 pm in Hollywood
Click HERE for details of this gathering

Join Millions of Christians Praying for 2 Billion Muslims
during 30 Days of Ramadan, February 28-March 29, 2025!

An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ
Prayer Surge NOW! 2/15
National Conf Call Prayer
Unbroken Weekly Saturday Prayer Calls, Since 2007,
Inspired by Dick Simmons, Founder,
Saturday Morning, Feb 15
Coast-to-Coast, United Intercession
for Israel & Middle East AWAKE!,
2025 National Day of Prayer
Across America, May 1 and
The Giant is Awakening,
March 28-29, Albuquerque
7:30 am-11:30 am Eastern, 6:30-10:30 am Central,
5:30-9:30 am Mountain, 4:30-8:30 am Pacific
Call: 605-475-4797  Code: 336718#  Mute: *6

PSN 2/15 with invited Servant Leaders:
PSHost Team: Tom Smith, Al McCarn, Glenn Wright & Amy Stoehr. Please read the schedule/agenda below (subject to change).

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Please join us for Prayer Surge NOW! 2/15 National Conference Call, Saturday morning, February 15, 7:30-11:30 am Eastern, using 605-475-4797, code 336718# (press *6 to mute when you first connect).  Our intercessory focuses in Eastern Time (please be sure to adjust to your time zone)

7:30-9:00 am Eastern
Weekly Focus: Strategic Intercession for Israel, Middle East, US Military, Trump Administration & More with Fouad Masri, Lebanese American, President/CEO, (8:15-9:00 am ET) Author and lecturer, Fouad Masri, was born and raised in the war zone of Beirut, Lebanon. As a third-generation ordained pastor, he has a passion for sharing the love of Christ with Muslims and has been reaching out to Muslims and inspiring others to follow his example since 1979... (

Hosted by LTC (TNSG) J. Thomas Smith, LTC (Ret) Al McCarn US ArmyGlenn Wright.  Please participate in our strategic intercession for the people of the Holy Land and surrounding nations, for the salvation of the Jewish people and 1.8 billion Muslims. ~ In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth. The Lord Almighty will bless them, saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.” (Isaiah 19:23-25)

Amy Stoehr will host PSN 2/15, 9:00-11:30 am Eastern. Amy serves on the

9:00-10:00 am Eastern
Annual Focus: Interceding TOGETHER for Our National Day of Prayer Across America, May 1 with Kathy Branzell, President, National Day of Prayer Task Force,

The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance held on the first Thursday of May, inviting people of all faiths to pray for the nation. It was created in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress, and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. Our Task Force is a privately funded organization whose purpose is to encourage participation on the National Day of Prayer. It exists to communicate with every individual the need for personal repentance and prayer, to create appropriate materials, and to mobilize the Christian community to intercede for America’s leaders and its families. The Task Force represents a Judeo Christian expression of the national observance, based on our understanding that this country was birthed in prayer and in reverence for the God of the Bible. (

10:00-11:30 am Eastern
Ongoing Focus: Interceding for The Giant is Awaking, March 28-29, Albuquerque, NM & The First Nations with:

As Will Graham addressed the assembly, he recounted a similar gathering that took place in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on March 18, 1975. During that meeting, Will Graham’s grandfather Billy Graham said, “You as evangelical Indians are a sleeping giant. You are now awakening. The original Americans could turn around and be the evangelists to win other Americans to Christ... I believe this is our opportunity—a God-given moment in time,” said Will Graham, pointing back to his grandfather’s words. “God is waking the Sleeping Giant, and I believe God will use you to bring the last great revival. This is a moment in history that can change our country forever.” (click HERE for the entire BGEA article)

You are more than welcome to connect and pray with us during any portion of PSN 2/15 and please consider sharing this invitation with fellow intercessors across America.  

Together in Christ,

Dai Sup

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.~ Ephesians 3:20-21 

Dai Sup Han
National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW! 
Sat AM Conf Call Number 605-475-4797, code 336718#
Co-Convener, AWAKE! Gatherings
Mailing address: Dai Sup Han, PO Box 26656
Colorado Springs, CO 80936-6656