Updated, April 2019
An Invitation to Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem ~ Psalm 122
An Invitation to Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem ~ Psalm 122

ISRAEL Prayer Surge NOW! Since 2014
Weekly National Conference Call Prayer
Wednesdays, 9:30-11:00 am Eastern / 6:30-8:00 am Pacific
Connect: 605-475-4797 Code: 336718# Mute: *6
Dear Praying Brothers and Sisters:
was indeed a very special year for Prayer Surge NOW! as we added a
weekly midweek morning conference call prayer opportunity for
intercessors across America. I asked my friend and prayer partner John
Moore to facilitate ISRAEL Prayer Surge NOW! on Wednesdays, 9:30 am Eastern / 6:30 am Pacific, using PSN number 605-475-4797 and code 336718#.
Lord Jesus expects His Church to continually intercede for "The Peace
of Jerusalem" and "The Salvation of Israel." I am blessed to report
that John and several intercessors have been faithful in praying for
Israel, and you are encouraged to participate in 2015. Would you
consider this weekly important invitation as we partner together with Yeshua in the fulfillments of Isaiah 62 and Zechariah 8?
Moore is the author of 10 DAYS ISRAEL Prayer Guide for The 10 Days of Awe and has partnered with Prayer Surge NOW! since 2008. John and I ask
for your assistance in sharing this important invitation with others. Thank you!
Together in Christ,
Dai Sup Han
Dai Sup Han
National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!
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