Friday, June 22, 2007



The Bible describes Joshua as a man of great faith and courage. From the original Israelites whom God delivered from their bondage in Egypt, only Joshua and Caleb were permitted to cross the Jordan River and settle in the Promised Land. Although this territory consisted of many powerful nations with greater number of warriors and superior weapons than that of the Israelites, Joshua found great success whenever he applied the strategies given to him by the Lord. Joshua understood the importance of making GOD A SUCCESS in his humility, worship and obedience of Him. Then God would use Joshua and the Israelites to bring GREAT SUCCESS in possessing the Promised Land.

We can apply this valuable principle TODAY and make Prayer Surge a great success. Let us learn from the Book of Joshua 5:13-15.

In Joshua’s military campaign against Jericho, he needed a strategy to overcome the city’s great fortresses. It was then he encountered “a Man… with His sword drawn in His hand” he asked, “Are you for us or for our enemies?” The Man answered, “Neither, but as Commander of the army of the LORD I have come.” Joshua immediately humbled himself and worshipped God as the COMMANDER OF HIS MIGHTY ARMY. Then, he was given the instructions in the Jericho campaign. When, Joshua and the Israelites obeyed, the Lord fought for them in Jericho. The word of GOD’S SUCCESS on behalf of Israel spread throughout the surrounding nations (Joshua 6:27)

Like Joshua, we are not in a position to ask God if He is on our side. But rather humbly CHOOSE to be on His side by worshipping Him and no other. We must encounter the God of Joshua and depend on Him in our intercession. Then the UNLIMITED POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL GAIN UNLIMITED ACCESS in our personal lives as well as our “Jerichos.” We must approach Prayer Surge with such preparation in order to engage in warfare intercession for our military in Iraq.


In 12 days, we will celebrate our Independence Day. Many Americans hold this day very dear. Therefore we must ask ourselves, "What/who are we independent from? On July 4, 1776, America declared independence from British rule. The Founding Fathers claimed that we were no longer to be held as subjects of King George III. Therefore, it is safe to say that Americans of 2007 celebrate knowing that no individuals or nations have ruled over us for the past 231 years.

Growing numbers of Americans have also made the choice to be independent from God and one another. This has created a crisis in our nation. Many complain that we are losing our values, families and a sense of community. We are even approaching this current War On Terrorism as a divided nation and the terrorists are capitalizing upon our lack of unity and resolve. Unity, which only comes in the spirit of interdependency, is a mandate if we are to enjoy lasting liberty in our nation.

Most importantly we must move toward a greater dependency upon our Lord. Are we convinced that God alone can bring us to a place of unity that will truly bring ALL men to Jesus. Are we willing to be ONE with each other and with God as Jesus and His Father are ONE (John 17:21)?

Lord, would you prepare our hearts for the upcoming 4th of July? We thank you for our INDEPENDENCE from foreign powers since the birth of our nation. Would you bring unity in Your Church by making us an INTERDEPENDENT people? We choose this day to be DEPENDENT on you! In the Name of the ONE who calls us to be ONE,


Remind: The purpose of Iraq Prayer Surge ~ NOW! Weekly Newsletter is to remind us to daily pray for the situation in Iraq and the related war on terror.

Encourage: We are in no way looking to compete or take resources away from any other initiatives that encourage prayer. We are not asking for any money. We know that corporate and individual prayer can take many forms that God will honor.

Multiplication of Intercession: Through the use this weekly newsletter (sent out each Friday by noon) that is forwarded from one intercessor (or intercessory group) to another and is, also, made available on our thousands of intercessors can be reminded and encouraged in a short period of time. While we ask that the newsletter be left intact when forwarded, we do encourage personal notes to be added in the forwarded e-mail before the newsletter. We ask that you use the appropriate tools such as BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) to limit the sharing of e-mail addresses with other intercessors down the line.

Input and Feedback: We ask your help in suggesting news articles, teachings, crafted prayers etc. that we can use in the weekly newsletters. We, also, want to hear about testimonies that can be shared with others.

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