Monday, August 1, 2011

PSN 8/6 on the Day of of THE RESPONSE

1.5 billion Muslims are observing Ramadan until August 30...
As they seek "Allah" through prayer & fasting, let us intercede for revelation
of Christ's love, forgiveness & salvation. For excellent daily prayer focus,
please consider 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World at

Invitation to Weekly Saturday Morning
Prayer Surge NOW! 8/6

Joint National Conference Calling

Prayer Meeting Across America
“Partnering with CHRIST for REVIVAL
In the Middle East
AND America”
Saturday Morning, 8.6.11
7:30-11pm Eastern, 6:30-10am Central,

5:30-9am Mountain, 4:30-8am Pacific,

3:30-7am Alaska, 1:30-5am Hawaii

Conference Call Number & Code
712-432-0075 & 6149782#

4:30-6:00 am Pacific & 7:30-9:00 am Eastern

Genesis 22 - God's Eternal

Covenant with Abraham


Operation Prayer Surge Prayer Points
for the Middle East & the US Military


Tom Smith, TN & Al McCarn, VA

6:00-8:00 am Pacific & 9:00-11:00 am Eastern

Intercession for The Response
Allan Parker
AND Fred Berry
Reporting Live from The Response, Houston, TX
"A Call to Prayer for a Nation in Crisis"
Aug. 6 National Solemn Assembly
"9/11/11... TEN YEARS LATER"
12 hours of "Identificational Repentance" across the nation on
Sunday, 9/11, 8am-8pm Eastern. Would you consider praying
together on this special conference call for at least 1 hour?
For details visit

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