Wednesday, January 20, 2016

1/22 Global Call for LIFE this Friday & PSN 1/23 with Bob Wolff ("Catch & Release"), Michael Bartel (FREE Int'l)

You are encouraged to contend for LIFE  during
For Sanctity of Life and Ending of Bloodshed
This Friday, January 22, 9am-5pm Eastern
As the Supreme Court of the United States
Considers The North Dakota Case on
The 43rd Anniversary of Roe v Wade
Connect: 712-432-0075  Code: 6149782# 
Respond & Invite others via this email,
Please read Allan Parker's updated letter below
 Prayer Surge NOW! 1/23 announcement

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Dear PSN Friends & Partners:

In this first month of 2016, the Holy Spirit is inspiring us to intercede for justice and liberty for pre-born babies and those trapped in human trafficking.  Please join us for both this Friday's GLOBAL CONFERENCE CALL PRAYER (details below) and Prayer Surge NOW! 1/23 in passionate partnership with Christ who lives to make intercession (Hebrews 7:25) at the Right Hand of the Father.

Here is a brief look at this Saturday morning, PSN 1/23, 7:30-11 am Eastern using 712-432-0075, code 6149782#:
  • 7:30-8:45  Operation Prayer Surge Prayer Points for Israel, Middle East, Ukraine, US Military with Tom Smith & Al McCarn.
  • 8:45-9:30  Dreams and Visions for America with Dai Sup Han and Responding to the Voice of the Father with Peter Calrson.
  • 9:30-10:00  Catch & Release: A Church Set Free with Messianic Jewish Rabbi Robert Wolff,
  • 10:00-11:00  Setting the Captives FREE: Contending for San Francisco Bay Area in Advance of Super Bowl with Michael Bartel,
You are welcome to pray with us during any portion of PSN 1/23 and share this invitation with others.  Additional details to be posted on

May the Lord have mercy on our nation as we contend for every soul and healing of our land.  

Together in Christ,
Dai Sup Han
National Facilitator
Prayer Surge NOW!

The Justice Foundation
The Justice Foundation
January 19, 2016
For Sanctity of Life and Ending of Bloodshed
This Friday, January 22, 9am-5pm Eastern
As the Supreme Court of the United States
Considers The North Dakota Case on
The 43rd Anniversary of Roe v Wade
Connect: 712-432-0075  Code: 6149782# 
Dear Brothers & Sisters:
Would you partner with us in sharing the following urgent invitation Global Conference Call for the U.S. Supreme Court this Friday, January 22, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Eastern - On 43rd Anniversary of Roe v Wade?  Please read Allan Parker's revised letter sent this this morning (below and attached) and assist us in mobilizing GLOBAL INTERCESSION for SANCTITY OF LIFE and ENDING OF BLOODSHED.  Thank you! 
Together in Christ,

Dai Sup

It's now official! The Supreme Court of the United States has scheduled a status conference on January 22, 2016 - The 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton - to consider whether to accept the North Dakota case banning abortion after six weeks. 

In addition they took no action on Jan 15 in the Arkansas case so that court is also still before the court as well. 

This is a year of miracles, signs and wonders and this is a sign from the Lord. It only fell on this date because the Arkansas abortionists tried to ignore the case and not file a response brief, and the Supreme Court demanded a response brief from the Arkansas abortionists. 

Seeing this unusual interest from the court, the North Dakota abortionists asked for extra time to file their response brief. That request for extra time by the abortionist was granted which threw the status conference consideration date for North Dakota to Jan 22. Their time is up. The covenant with death will be annulled, the agreement with the grave will not stand. The Lord will rise up as in the valley of Gibeon, but we must pray and contend. Isaiah 28:14-22 



The Arkansas law bans abortion after 12 weeks. The Arkansas Petition for Certiorari (Please Take Our Case), the abortionist reply brief and The Justice Foundation Brief on behalf of 3,355 Women Hurt by Abortion and an Abortion Survivor have been distributed to the Supreme Court judges and clerks. 

The Supreme Court met in private on January 15, 2016, at 9 a.m. Eastern to decide what to do with the case. Each justice and their staff had the opportunity to read the briefs and evaluate them independently. On January 15, they met to discuss whether to take the case, to put the case on hold for further consideration or to deny the cert. petition which would mean that the decision below stands. They did not deny cert. (don't take the case) but they too no other action so they are still considering what to do. 

North Dakota 

North Dakota's law bans abortion after six weeks. North Dakota's briefing is now complete. It was distributed to the judges last week and is set for status conference at 9 a.m.Eastern, on Jan. 22, 2016, which could last all day.  Same options as above exist for the court at that time. The judges and their three briefing attorneys are reading the states briefs, the abortionist briefs, and the briefs of thousands of post abortive women who are part ofOperating Outcry: Silent No More

It is time to cry out to God so that our outcry may be heard. Our three main arguments are:

1. The child in the womb is a human from the moment of conception. 
2. Abortion hurts women 
3. There is a better way to help women. 

All 50 states are now willing to remove all burden of unwanted child care from any woman. Safe Haven laws allow a woman to transfer here child to society without killing the child and injuring herself. See brief below for more details.  


Cert has already been granted in The Texas case involving ambulatory surgical centers and hospital admitting privileges and requirements and is set for Oral Argument on March 2, 2016. This case has already been getting lots of media attention and the Reuters article (click here) shows that your prayers to bind the abortion powers have already been heard because this is a tremendously fair article about the Texas case, including quotes by two women of Operation Outcry: Silent No More and myself. 

Many pro-life groups are writing amicus briefs in this case which are due Feb 3.  Texas' brief is due Jan 23. The abortionists briefs and their friends are on file now, with many prominent Democrat women telling the court they had to have abortions to get where they are now professionally.

A group of 47 theologians and ethicists, which includes professors from apostate seminaries, witches and Druids and four high priestesses have file a brief claiming that denying abortion to women denies them their religious freedom. I don't think they use the word child sacrifice, but instead use abortion and religious liberty. Pray to bind these spirits, do not revile angelic majesties, but ask the Lord to rebuke and bind these religious and political spirits.

Because they have already taken the Texas case the final written abortion decision will probably not be released publicly until June 30, 2016.

Thank you for your prayers and your support and the courageous testimonies of the women of Operation Outcry: Silent No More. This is a team effort. You can click here to read the Arkansas brief. Appendix A includes the names of all of the women and the names of the children of the women who chose to name their child, as well. Appendix B are the excerpts of the testimony of 90 women of Arkansas. The Table of Contents gives you a good summary of the Brief if you just want to read a summary. See first two pages after title page. 

The North Dakota brief is similar, so I am not including it.  

Please continue to pray as before Isaiah 28:14-22 (that the covenant of death
would be annulled, that the agreement with the grave would not stand) over the
Court, Jeremiah 9:17-24 (asking that the women's testimonies would teach the
judges' eyes to mourn for the children we have lost; and ask the Lord to bind the
abortion power, to bind the strong man over abortion, over the Supreme Court
of the United States and over the media as well.

Advancing Life, Liberty and Justice in Him,

Allan E. Parker
The Justice Foundation

PS - Here is a link to "Binding the Abortion Power" prayer as well.

Finally, here is info from Jason Hershey, Founder/Director, David's Tent DC,

It was on day 43 of our 45 days of fasting and prayer in 2013 that our Intercessors encountered the theophany of the "sound like a mighty rushing wind" at the
Dai Sup Han
National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!,
Sat AM Conf Call Number 712-432-0075, Code 6149782#
Partnering with The Justice Foundation
Cell: 530-570-0085 New Mailing address: Dai Sup Han, PO Box 26656
Colorado Springs, CO 80936-6656
Give: For donations through TJF, please click here

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