Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Special 2 Hour 9/11 Prayer Call this Fri AM & PSN 9/12 for America AWAKE! on the Eve of 10 Days of Awe

Please share this important invitation with your network
Urgent Prayer Call on the Occasion of
9/11/15... 14 YEARS LATER

Invitation to SPECIAL 9/11 PRAYER CALL tomorrow Morning
Friday, September 11
10:30-12:30 pm Eastern / 7:30-9:30 pm Pacific
Calling the Body of Christ to Humility, Repentance, Consecration 
with invited servant leaders across our nation
Jeff Daly, Day of Repentance, from Lincoln Memorial DC Event;
Allan ParkerThe Justice FoundationMatt SmolerPromise Keepers;
Tae Chin "TC" KimTransform USAJohn RobbInt'l Prayer Connect;
and Urgent Intercession for Our European Brothers and Sisters with 
Special Guest Heidi MundSave Europe 2015, from Germany
Hosts: Lisa Crump, Nat'l Day of Prayer and Dai Sup Han, Prayer Surge NOW!
Connect: 712-432-0075  Code: 6149782#  Mute: *6

Tentative Agenda/Schedule in Eastern USA Time (please adjust for your time zone):
  • 10:30 am  Welcome, opening address, and prayer by Lisa Crump 
  • 10:35 am  Jeff Daly invited to address us from Washington DC regarding need for humility, repentance, and prayer on 14th Anniversary of 9/11
  • 10:40 am  Prayer TOGETHER with intercessors across America across America
  • 10:45 am  Barbara Ingmire invited to from Olympia, WA regarding "Rebuilding the Western Wall" of North America
  • 10:50 am  Prayer TOGETHER with intercessors across America
  • 11:00 am  Allan Parker invited to address us regarding the cause of sanctity of LIFE and restoration of post-abortive parents
  • 11:05 am  Prayer TOGETHER with intercessors across America
  • 11:15 am  Matthew Smoler invited to address us regarding the Father's Heart for Israel
  • 11:20 am  Prayer TOGETHER with intercessors across America
  • 11:30 am  TC Kim invited to address us regarding the Father's Heart for America
  • 11:35 am  Prayer TOGETHER with intercessors across America
  • 11:45 am  John Robb invited to address us regarding our need to partner with the Global Body of Christ
  • 11:50 am  Prayer TOGETHER with intercessors across America
  • 12:00 pm  Heidi Mund reporting from Germany regarding praise report and prayer requests for Oct 3-4 Human Prayer Chain
  • 12:05 pm  Prayer TOGETHER for revival, unity, deliverance, and destiny of Germany, Europe
  • 12:25 pm  Closing comments, announcements, and prayer by Dai Sup Han 

Please confirm your availability for this hour and this Saturday, 2:45-3:15 pm Germany Time (same number & code) for prayer for revival in Germany, Europe, Middle East, America.  Thank you.

Together in Christ,
Dai Sup Han

PS - Please consider our weekly Saturday morning Prayer Surge NOW! National Conference Call:

Inviting the Body of Christ to Weekly National Conference Call Prayer
Prayer Surge NOW! 9/12
United Intercession Since 8.18.2007
This Saturday Morning, September 12
7:30-11AM Eastern, 6:30-10AM Central, 5:30-9AM Mountan,
4:30-8AM Pacific, 3:30-7AM Alaska, 1:30-5AM Hawaii
Weekly Intercession for Israel, Middle East, Ukraine
Special Focus Human Prayer Chain Oct 3-4
Watch Heidi Mund's inspiration here and stand with our
brothers and sisters in Germany and throughout Europe.
America AWAKE! during The 10 Days of Awe  
Invitations to 10 Days of Prayer, Sept 13-23 (also click here for 10 Days resources)
and 10 DAYS ISRAEL PRAYER, Sept 14-23
Call 712-432-0075    Code 6149782#    Mute *6
PSN Hosts: Tom Smith, Al McCarn, Peter Carlson, Dai Sup Han  
Additional details to be emailed and posted on

Dai Sup Han
National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!
Sat AM Conf Call Number 712-432-0075, Code 6149782#
Partnering with The Justice Foundation

Co-Founder, National Weekend of Prayer to End Slavery and Trafficking
Serving, 10 Days of Prayer, Sept 13-23, 2015
Member, National Prayer Committee

Cell: 530-570-0085
New Mailing address: Dai Sup Han, PO Box 26656
Colorado Springs, CO 80936-6656
Give: For donations through TJF, please click here

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